Know the limits of ddr3 memory with windows 7

In recent months, memory modules have lowered their prices greatly. And it is usual to find configurations with 16 GB or 32 GB of RAM.
For this reason we are going to remind you of the theoretical limits of each version of Windows 7.
Windows 7 32 bit:
- Windows 7 32-bit (ALL VERSIONS): 4GB of memory (Including integrated graphics).
- Windows 7 64-bit Starter: 2048 MB / 2 GB Windows 7 64-bit Home Basic: 8192 MB / 8 GB Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium: 16384 MB / 16 GB Windows 7 64-bit Professional: 16384 MB / 16 GB Windows 7 64-bit Enterprise: 196 608 MB / 192 GB Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate: 196 608 MB / 192 GB
How to know how much ram memory I can install on my pc

Don't know how much RAM your PC needs? We help you choose according to your needs, in addition to teaching us some tricks and where you should look.
▷ How to know the data of my ram memory

In this articles we explain what RAM is ✅ And how you can know its most important characteristics in several clicks.
▷ How to know the chip of my ram memory?

Thaiphoon Burner is very simple software that we can use to find out the manufacturer of the RAM memory chips in our PC ✅