
Tips for buying a good tv (tv) full hd and 4k

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Buying technological devices and good quality for our home, or for any space where they are required, can be a bit exhausting and confusing, since there are many features and aspects that we must take into account according to what we need. At the time of buying a television we will find in terms of prices a very varied range, but that will depend on the functions they can offer.

Tips for buying a TV (TV)

Buying a television nowadays turns out to be very different from what it was in previous years. It is not strange to anyone that the technology has greatly changed the functionality, shape and size of this appliance, and it is the main reason why we must choose our purchase so well that it meets our requirements and lasts for a few years.

7 recommendations to buy the perfect television

This time we have compiled the main tips that we must follow to buy a television this year.

Smart TV or not

One of the newest features, and one that has undoubtedly become foolproof for many, is being able to surf the Internet through the television screen from the comfort of your sofa, bed, or office seat. Being able to view online channels, or being able to connect your mobile or computer to our TV screen without using any type of wiring, are other experiences that users should know when buying a television. The new functions that televisions allow us are endless, without a doubt they are tools that can truly help in many situations, apart from providing us with a wider range of visual entertainment.

LED, OLED or IPS display

Another aspect to consider when buying a television is the type of technology that is used on the screen panel. LED technology is currently dominating the market, in fact exceeding expectations of what plasma represented to users. However, the IPS is still a better option, as it offers a more vivid color gamut and, unlike TN panel-based LED vision, provides a better viewing angle.

Including other extras when buying a television, the possibility of using 3D glasses is not really relevant in terms of better views, it is preferred to invest in other more interesting aspects, in fact chains like the BBC or ESPN have decided to stop their broadcasts of this type, due to lack of interest. But if in your case it is considered something essential, then do not hesitate to look for the best 3D technology for your new television.


Coupled with the quality of vision, is the resolution. In general, HD Ready (720p) or Full HD (1, 080P) resolutions are in the market for fairly cheap prices. Large companies are starting to use the UHD and 4K resolution that employ crystal-clear quality, but these are still prohibitively expensive or somewhat expensive and as soon as content is available that can be truly used, it seems that only Netflix is offering this option with titles to beads beads.

To buy a television with good television quality, HDR (High Dynamic Range) has also come to the market, which is a technology that improves image quality using a greater dynamic range of colored light, bringing it closer to reality. This technology produces very blacks and very white whites, it also allows a great variation of colors, thus obtaining a more natural image.


When buying a television, apart from its functions, you should bear in mind that some TVs come in certain certain sizes, and that there is no use in fulfilling all the functions if it does not fit in the room or space in which you want to place it. To make this decision, it is also ideal that the size sets the distance of the display, that is, it should be located according to its size and distance, so that you do not have to force the neck to cover the entire angle of vision at close range Nor do you miss out on transmission details from afar.

To calculate the size of the TV based on distance, the expert web AVForums recommends the following:

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Distance (in inches) x 0.84 = inches from the TV.

That is, if we start from a distance of two meters from our bed to the TV, our inches are 2.54 centimeters, the distance would be 200 / 2.54 = 79 inches. We apply the formula: 79 x 0.84 = 66 inches. Our television would have to be 66 inches or around to get a perfect view.

Connections: HDMI, USB, Wifi and LAN…

HDMI is the indisputable connection and predominant factor when buying a television. With this connection we can enjoy digital quality, connect an infinity of devices such as tablets, video consoles, mobile phones, computers, among other usual apartaos in an office or in our home.

When buying a television we must make sure that it has at least 3 HDMI ports so that we do not have to lack them in the future, and to be able to enjoy various alternatives. Having a USB port is also useful, although it usually only works to play content from external storage media. And an Ethernet port, although if you buy a TV model with integrated or optional WiFi it will not be necessary.

Curved or flat screen

Although the curved-screen TV is an attractive model, it can be a bit limiting that only a maximum of better vision is obtained right in the center and close to it. For this reason many continue to prefer flat screens, as they ensure a much better viewing quality than curves.

Before buying a television, try it

Although perhaps it is more common sense, we do not forget to recommend that before buying a television its quality be tested on the spot . Although all the explanations sound very clear and attractive, we must approve with our own senses what is exposed to us. The best option to test a team of these is with a movie with a lot of action, which has many dark, light, animation and a lot of color images, since this way we will check if the levels of contrast and brightness are sufficient, and if the moving images leave wake.


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