
Tips for Christmas shopping

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There are less than two months left until the Christmas holidays begin. If we look back we will feel that the year has flown by and that, when we have not yet recovered from the "September cost", we must face the season of greatest consumption of the year, Christmas. But how do we get our Christmas shopping right without going bankrupt?

Useful tips for your Christmas shopping

As Christmas approaches, fish, seafood, meat and many other products rise in price as if they were the last units available. Faced with this, the majority (if not all) of the electronic, computer, gift items, etc. shops rush to launch numerous offers and promotions with which to increase sales and profits, attracting as many customers as possible while We, as buyers, can save good money by acquiring gifts that we will make to family, friends, or ourselves.

However, this avalanche of offers, sometimes can lead us not only to spend more than desired, something very common, but also not to take advantage of the offers, purchase products that, at the time, seem very attractive but then we will not need, and many other and very varied disadvantages. The key is to organize, plan and stay informed.

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We could say that this is the "mother council" from which all the others emanate. But to be even more specific, try to follow these tips and only then can you escape unscathed from the Christmas consumer fever:

  1. Lists. We have already said that the key lies in planning and organizing, since it starts there. There are many products that we are going to buy at Christmas, so make different lists that collect everything you need, for example, food and gifts. You can even unfold the second list into a third, toys. Organize purchases, that is, set dates in order not to leave it for the last moment because, depending on the product in question, you could find yourself with the difficult news that it has been sold out. Take advantage of shopping events, I especially mean Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday. During both days (and the week that elapses between them) you can benefit from many offers. Compare prices. It is the most logical advice of all: the price difference between establishments can be really important, so take a walk around the net and the stores you usually visit and write the prices on your lists to make the most of your money. Say NO to debts. Christmas is a time to enjoy with family and friends, not to contract debts that you will carry all year. Stick to the budget, do not ask for quick credits because they have a high interest that you must pay, and do not "throw away" the card, and if you do, do not defer the payment. Sign up for the barter economy. You are sure that you have things at home that you no longer use and you could take advantage of to sell them in the second-hand market or exchange them for other things that you need such as Christmas decoration objects, etc. Check the purchase and return date. Sometimes we buy well in advance taking advantage of an offer, but what if the purchased product does not work? Most shops extend the return period until after Christmas but just in case, look at the ticket and make sure.

It's that simple. If you observe these seven simple tips for Christmas shopping, you will get out of this consumer whirlpool and enjoy these special dates even more.


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