
Tips to clean your pc and keep it dust free

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Dust and dirt is not a good friend of electronic devices like a desktop computer. It is normal that we have our equipment on 24 hours and that we do not open the PC case for months. During that time, if the PC does not have filters in the tower's ventilation slits, the accumulation of dust and hair can cause overheating problems.

Dirt can prevent heat dissipation properly and even cause CPU or graphics fans to stop working, in the most extreme cases dirt can even create inductance that directly burns components

Tips to keep your PC free of dust and dirt

That is why it is important to periodically clean our PC. In the following paragraphs we are going to give you some tips to keep dirt out of our PC.

Use the feather duster

We are going to start with the basics, pass the duster to our computer, for this we will need some tools:

  • Compressed air Screwdriver (only necessary if your box requires screws to open) Some cleaning wipes Small brush

Once we have all the tools we proceed:

  • Turn off the PC. Disconnect all cables. Move the PC to a clear workspace. Find a place outside your home if possible as we are going to blow the dust off, maybe a sturdy patio table. Depending on the design and construction of your PC, the following steps may be slightly different.Remove the screws from the back of the side panel.Remove the side panel.We will clean with compressed air where there is dirt, then we will brush (soft) and finally the rest of the dirt that has been left is cleaned with some wipes or a clean cloth.

Precautionary measures

Now that we have done a more or less thorough cleaning, we have to prevent the PC from accumulating dust inside the box. Here are some very useful tips.

- Use dust filters

This is the easiest and cheapest way to keep dust out of the box. Filters are very inexpensive accessories made mostly of polyester and are usually placed where the fans are. Air normally flows through the filter but not dirt, which stays outside and is fairly easy to clean.

- Take the computer off the ground

Placing the box on your floor is one of the worst ideas you can think of. At that point, our PC case is more exposed to dust, hair and other particles in the air that can be lifted by movement. Try to have the PC always located at the height of your screen.

- A clean workspace

It may be an obvious tip but it is worth remembering, if the environment where the PC is located is not clean, dirt will accumulate much more quickly. A clean office or bedroom helps keep your PC much better.

- Food is not allowed

It is not highly recommended, beyond the classic food scraps that accumulate in the slits of the keyboard, greasy and oily foods are the worst enemies, grease penetrates and stains the screen. In addition, by the action of the fans, all that greasy air inevitably passes inside the computer case and stays there.

WE RECOMMEND YOUHow to access the BIOS from Windows 10

Eat light food in front of the computer or eat somewhere else.

These have been some tips to keep your PC full, clean and without complications. I hope it has been useful to you and see you next time.

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