Corsair vengeance 2000 is updated with dolby digital compatibility

The Corsair Vengeance 2000 High-End Gaming Headset has just announced its support for Dolby Digital surround sound.
How can we achieve compatibility? We must go to its official website (click here) and download the latest drivers and we will have updated the headphones. This improvement will achieve an extra to the best gaming helmets on the market.
Review: corsair vengeance 2000 wireless 7.1 gaming headset

This time we bring you the analysis of the Corsair Vengeance 2000 wireless helmets. They are multi-channel gaming headphones for hours and
Diablo ii is updated to improve its compatibility

Blizzard releases patch 1.14 for Diablo II which improves its compatibility with the latest versions of Windows and Mac OS operating systems.
Monero is updated to avoid centralization and break compatibility with asic

Monero has updated the cryptocurrency mining protocol to avoid compatibility with specialized CryptoNight ASICs.