What is the best time to buy at black friday?

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Like many other customs, we have also imported from the United States the already famous Black Friday or "Black Friday" although, on this occasion, that lake that brings us a great benefit. That day is approaching, and more and more Spaniards are taking advantage of it to do their Christmas shopping or pamper themselves while saving some money, however, what is the best time to buy on Black Friday?
On Black Friday you must be very attentive to the clock
Black Friday is just around the corner. In the United States it is the day of the year in which the largest number of purchases are made, especially purchases related to the Christmas stories that are also close, and I am very afraid that in Spain, if it is not the day in which there is a greater number of sales, little is missing.
Stores and brands take advantage of that day to offer succulent discounts that users can take advantage of. Thus, we can get a new smartphone, a tablet or a computer with considerable savings. But the largest volume of sales is made online, since it is not only more convenient to buy like this, but we can also locate offers faster than if we went from store to store. They say that over 70% of Spaniards already buy gifts online. With all this, getting the best deals is sometimes difficult and requires a preconceived plan in which the time you connect to buy is essential.
During Black Friday, many of the offers launched by many establishments and brands are limited in quantity. Therefore, in these cases, the best thing to do is to connect as soon as the offer begins in order to avoid seeing the "Out of Stock" sign on the product you want. In fact, if you already know that it is on sale, I advise you to put it in the shopping cart and wait for the moment when the discount is already applied.
As a general rule, the worst hours to make your purchases online on Black Friday are those between the hours of 14:00 to 16:00, and 20:00 to 23:00. The reason is logical since it is about the hours of lunch, dinner and rest and therefore, the hours when there are more people concentrated in front of their computer to buy. During these moments, not only can you find a lack of stock of some of the products you want most, but it is also common for some websites to "fall" due to the high number of people who are making purchases or, at best, In some cases, it is possible that the website experiences a slowness that is not habitual and, between choosing and paying, the product runs out.
In contrast, the best hours to do your Black Friday shopping are between 3 in the morning and 7 in the morning, because during those hours most people sleep so you will not have to suffer the aforementioned problems.
From then on, people wake up, and things get more and more complicated. In any case, try not to delay your purchases beyond 10:00 in the morning as this is when the greatest peaks in online traffic begin.
Finally, when it comes to offers like Amazon's, which launches new offers every five minutes, the stock of which is also limited, I'm afraid you will have no choice but to spend Black Friday in front of your computer screen. In this case, the ideal time is the time when the offer you want to take advantage of begins. Well, actually half an hour before if you are from the Amazon Prime club because, if you are not, the offer may start with zero stock.
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▷ Stores where to buy in black friday

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