
The arrival of netflix to nintendo switch will have to wait

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The Nintendo Switch promises to become one of the best-selling consoles this fall worldwide. At the beginning of the year it was commented that the console would not have video on demand applications. Although later the Japanese company confirmed that the Netflix application was coming, but the date was unknown. Also applications from other video on demand services were coming. But so far nothing has happened. What happened?

When will Netflix come to the Nintendo Switch?

The president of Nintendo America has been in charge of giving some statements that offer us a little more light on the situation. Although he has not made much clear to us either. What did you say?

It's not Nintendo's fault

Reggie Fils-Aime, President of Nintendo America, has been asked about Netflix's arrival on the Nintendo Switch. The executive has commented that it is not Nintendo who should be asked about this, but it should be the people of Netflix. He commented that there has been contact between the two companies, although the situation in which the process is found has not been revealed.

Nothing was mentioned about the deadlines either. He has simply said that it will come in due course, so Nintendo Switch users look like they are going to have to keep waiting for a while. We will also have to wait for the Netflix people to offer their version.

We will have to wait to see what happens with the arrival of the Netflix application on Nintendo Switch. The idea has a lot of potential and being able to use the Nintendo console as a portable console, it is certainly a very interesting idea.


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