Debian 9.0 stretch enters freezing phase

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Debian developer Jonathan Wiltshire recently announced that the new version of the Debian 9 Stretch operating system has entered the final freeze phase so the release of the final version is getting closer.
Debian 9 Stretch enters final freeze phase
Yesterday , February 5, 2017, was the scheduled date for the freezing of one of the most popular GNU / Linux distributions of how many exist. Debian 9 Stretch will be the new version and has been developed based on Debian testing umbrella, a development branch that users can also install if they want to enjoy the news of the new version as soon as possible, of course without the guarantees of stability of the final version.
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Debian 9 freezing means that no new packages will be added before it reaches GA (General Available) status and the distribution is ready to reach all users. Exceptions will only be made with packages related to critical bugs and serious security problems.
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The final freezing phase means that it is not long before all stable Debian users can update to the new version, for now no specific date has been given so everything depends on the speed with which they can be solved the problems encountered. Those most impatient can download the second RC (Release Candidate) version of Debian 9 Stretch.
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How to upgrade debian 8 jessie to debian 9 stretch

A simple tutorial with step-by-step explanations on how to update Debian 8 Jessie to Debian 9 Stretch in a simple and fast way.