
Deutsche telekom tells nokia to improve its 5g products and services

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The implementation of 5G is something in progress around the world. Huawei is one of the most outstanding firms in this field, although they encounter the American blockade, which makes other countries decide not to use the firm's products or services in this field. Something that firms like Nokia could benefit from, if they play their cards right.

Deutsche Telekom tells Nokia that it must improve its 5G products and services

Although there are doubts about their products. For example, Deutsche Telekom, the largest operator in Europe, has told them that they must improve their 5G products and services. Only then can they compete.

Necessary improvements

Deutsche Telekom is highly critical of Nokia's products and services in the field of 5G. In fact, they have stopped using them in many markets, because their quality is not up to expectations. They have commented that the products of the Finnish firm are the ones that offer the worst performance in this regard. A hard blow to the firm, which seeks to take advantage of the bad moment of Huawei.

Although the German government will still give the company a chance. Since due to pressure not to use Huawei products, it is difficult to find quality alternatives in this regard. What forces to give opportunities to this type of products.

Nokia works to improve its equipment. This is necessary, since operators such as Deutsche Telekom have stopped using their products in various countries, such as Croatia and Greece. So if you want to be able to have a presence and success in the field of 5G, there has to be improvements soon.

Reuters Source


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