
Difference between ecc and non ram memory

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Possibly you have not noticed that RAM memories are usually called by their format: DDR, DDR2, DDR3 or current DDR4. But among them there are two types: RAM ECC memory and NON-ECC. The ones used by home users are NON-ECC RAM and Workstation equipment and servers called ECC. Do you want to know their differences? We explain it to you in this tutorial!

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What are ECC and NON-ECC RAM?

The storage system of a computer is hierarchized by sub-systems that are part of a whole, this being the memory system. Among these systems that make up a larger one are the hard drive, RAM, and the internal cache of the processor. Of course, each has a particular purpose and function, and RAM, which stands for Random Access Memory (translated as Random Access Memory ) is no exception to the rule. There are a variety of RAM memories, and they tend to be confused by their similarities, as is the case with ECC and NON-ECC RAM .

In the first instance, you must understand what actions RAM performs on its own. This fast or random access memory allows the storage of information about the records that the computer uses to fulfill its tasks. There are registers that serve specifically for particular actions, that is, each type of register has its functionality.

The RAM memory keeps records of certain tasks, so it has a direct influence on the response speed of the processor since there are blocks of data storage that allow fragmentation of processes. However, its most distinctive feature is the storage capacity; Your goal will always be to speed up responses so that the system is not stopped by some program and the processor is not forced to search the hard disk, since it takes a long time to generate a response.

A basic computer can work decently with 2GB of RAM, while those who want to use applications such as games or professional programs should have a RAM with a capacity of 16 or 32 GB. Of course, the higher the capacity, the more expensive the memory will be and its price has been relatively inflated in recent months by the demand for more memory for smartphones.

Differences between RAM ECC and NON-ECC

The word ECC stands for "Error Correcting Code", which implies that the RAM has an extra bit, which represents a code programmed to detect errors in the processor and warn us that the RAM must be replaced. Since they work with a binary system, if the bit reaches 1, it is that it detected an error; if it is 0, it implies that everything is correct. When there is an error correction bit it means that RAM is capable of storing information from registers that are not in the processor's CACHE memory; this is the processor's instant access memory.

It is possible that errors due to temperature rises or electronic failures sometimes occur, and these errors cause some bits of the registers to be changed and thus there are processor malfunctions. The ECC RAM memories have an architecture design that allows detecting the altered bit and correcting it, without losing operating data.

The ECC and NON-ECC RAMs are easy to identify and differentiate because the difference is basically one bit. The NON-ECC simply does not have this error correction bit, and it is known as normal RAM, which is present in most computers.

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How to identify if you module if your RAM is ECC or NON-ECC

It is as simple as going to your RAM memory sticker and identifying the exact model. Many times you get “Non-ECC” inscribed on them and other times the model. If you don't want to open the PC, you can find out the model with the CPU-Z program in the SPD tab.

Take note of the model and search the manufacturer's website for Corsair, G.Skill, Kingston…) for all its characteristics. In one of the sections it will be explicit if it is Non-ECC or ECC. But if you use a conventional computer, we already anticipate that it will be Non-ECC.

Our conclusion on ECC memory

Despite having such a minimal difference, they are seldom used on the same devices; in other words, the ECC and NON-ECC RAMs fulfill the same functions, only the ECC has an added value. However, for the extra bit, it also tends to run slower and can be up to 20 to 30% more expensive and not very common in stores. ECC memory is usually used in central servers, due to the need for a backup system in case of processing failure. A laptop or a basic office computer should have no problem working with normal memory, since the use it is given is simple enough so that it does not have failures that imply automatic corrections.

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