
Differences between 60, 120, 144 and 240 hz monitors, is it worth it?

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The PC hardware advances without stopping so that the components are becoming more powerful, this means that the current computers have an enormous capacity for both general and graphics processing, especially in the case of high-end systems. However, video games have a much slower advance in terms of graphic quality, this is due in part to video consoles since these have a life cycle of 5-6 years or even more and developers must guarantee the compatibility of all games with their processing capabilities. Differences Between 60, 120, 144, and 240 Hz Monitors Is It Worth It?

This situation makes very powerful PC owners frustrated at the feeling that the full potential of their equipment is not being harnessed. There are several ways to take advantage of all the performance that our computer can offer us even when we can no longer upload the graphic settings of the games, one of them is to use supersampling or oversampling that will use all the power of our PC to improve the definition of the images that are rendered on the monitor.

How to improve the graphic quality of games through supersampling

Another way to harness the full power of our team is to choose a very different path from supersampling. The high refresh rate monitors will allow you to take advantage of all the power of the graphics card and the processor to improve the fluidity of your favorite games. Of course, if you have a very high-end equipment it is possible that you can combine both to achieve the best visual quality with an enviable fluidity.

What is the refresh rate of the monitor and what is a monitor with high Hz for?

The refresh rate of the monitor is the speed with which it updates the image, this speed is represented in H z so that we can find monitors from 60 Hz to 240 Hz. A 60 Hz monitor updates its image 60 times per second, in other words it is capable of representing up to 60 frames per second (FPS). As the Hz rises, the number of frames per second that a monitor can display increases, and this is of great importance to video game lovers.

If we have a 60 Hz monitor it will be useless if we are playing CS: GO at 200 FPS since our monitor can only represent 60 and anything beyond that will only serve to make our team consume more energy and heat up more. This changes a lot in the event that we have a 120 Hz, 144 Hz or even 240 Hz monitor, in these cases we can take advantage of a much higher FPS number and this will make the game look much more fluid and crisp.

This is especially noticeable in the case of highly moving video games such as first person shooter games like CS: GO, Overwatch, Quake and driving games like F1 2017 and Need for Speed. This is the reason why professional e-Sports players decide on monitors with a high refresh rate, the maximum today is 240 Hz.

So do I buy a 240 Hz monitor to play better than ever?

The answer to this question is not so simple since not all games take advantage of high-Hz monitors equally well. As we have mentioned, games with a lot of movement, such as first-person shooting or driving games, benefit the most. of the high Hz. In contrast to games with less movement and strategy, they do not benefit as much from the high Hz. In this way, the first question you should ask yourself is what kind of games are you going to play.

Secondly we must bear in mind that to take advantage of the high Hz we will have to make the game work at a high FPS rate and this is not cheap. It is useless to have a 240 Hz monitor if our team can only run the game at 50 FPS, because we will be wasting the monitor that has cost us so much money. You wouldn't be thinking that a 60 Hz monitor costs the same as a 240 Hz monitor, right?

To give you an idea we have looked at one of the most popular gaming monitors for its excellent value for money, the AOC G2460VQ6 24-inch and 75 Hz with a retail price of 161 euros. Secondly we have taken the AOC G2460PF that has the same main characteristics except for its 144 Hz, this second monitor is priced at 248 euros.

Therefore we already see that high Hz does not come free, because the monitor will be more expensive and we also need more powerful equipment so that the FPS rate of the games equals or exceeds the Hz of the monitor. If your equipment is not powerful enough, forget about the Hz and better invest your money in other features such as a monitor with a higher quality panel that gives you a higher image quality or a more ergonomic base.


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