
Discord store goes for epic and steam, offers 90% to developers

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Steam has been reigning in the PC games market for many years, but the latest events show that its hegemony is in serious trouble. The launch of the new Epic Games store for PC has created many repercussions in the gaming industry, but both the press and the media were quick to discuss the implications of the Discord Store, which is equally new.

Discord Store declares war on Epic Games and Steam

In a series of moves that are undoubtedly pleasing to both game developers and publishers, Discord announced that they will offer a 90/10 revenue distribution with 90% in favor of developers, slightly better than the 88% of the benefit that the Epic Store offers to developers.

We recommend reading our article on Epic Games remove its games from Steam

Discord announced that it will allow developers to publish games in its store with a revenue division of 90/10 from 2019. They said 10% is enough for their operating costs, store optimization, and efficiency. We are on the brink of a digital gaming war as Epic and Discord announced their own stores to fight the one and only Steam. It seems Discord Store will offer developers the best deal. This offer will go live in 2019 and will even allow developers to post games to their store with minimal Discord involvement throughout the publishing process.

Discord also invited all developers, regardless of scale, to try out their new platform. No matter the size, from AAA to single-person teams, developers will be able to self-publish to the Discord store with a 90% developer revenue share. What do you think of the war that is brewing between Steam, Epic and Discord?

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