
Sshd disks: what they are and why they don't make sense in 2020

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SSHD drives are very interesting components, but they are meaningless today. Inside, we tell you why.

These types of discs became very famous years ago, when SSD technology began to settle. They emerged as a hybrid solution between a conventional HDD and a new SSD. So, they made sense, but with the passage of time they have ceased to have a leading role in the panorama. We tell you why it no longer makes sense to buy an SSHD disk.

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What are SSHD hard drives?

First of all, they are hybrid hard disks that combine the NAND technology of SSDs into HDDs of a lifetime. In this way, the objective is based on achieving the speeds of an SSD and the capacity of an HDD. To do this, they equip NAND memory and a controller that allows faster access to files that we use frequently, storing them in NAND memory.

Thanks to all this, the SSHD disks boot the operating system at a very good speed, as it allows us to access that we use frequently quickly. However, this has a "catch" or a downside: otherwise, they are still a normal HDD.

What does this mean? Well, for everything else, speeds will still be as slow as an HDD. So, we will have an SSD for specific things, such as starting the OS fast and, for example, starting the video games that we always play faster than a normal HDD. For everything else, we will have a HDD of a lifetime.

Why doesn't it make sense to buy SSHD drives?

For starters, in the middle of 2020, installing an operating system on an SSHD does not make any sense, having SSD and M.2 at a really good price. I am "anti" installing Windows on a mechanical hard drive or any derivative of it. Previously, these hard drives made sense because SSDs cost a lot of money and had a capacity of 120 GB or 256 GB at a high price.

Now, we can access normal 500 GB SSDs for € 65, which seems like a great price, we even have some M.2 of the same capacity for those prices.

On the other hand, the only reason we buy an HDD is because of its capacity. Up to 1TB, people often prefer to buy an SSD because they are below € 120. However, if we go to 2 TB or more, it is worth buying an HDD. We can find units for € 58 or € 65 with these capacities. A 2TB SSHD disk costs around € 100.

If we want more than 4 TB, we must discard SSHDs because they do not exist in these sizes, which HDDs do provide answers to those capacities.

Also highlight the desire to expand our storage on our laptops. We found 2.5-inch SSHD drives, but unfortunately they are very few and we will be giving up an SSD in all its glory. In my opinion, the idea of ​​SSHD disks was good when SSDs were through the roof and almost inaccessible. Currently, it makes no sense to buy such a hard drive.


In short, it is clear that there is no point in buying an SSHD disk, there are other options on the market, such as large capacity SSDs or M.2. Before it was a great alternative to take advantage of the speeds of an SSD in common tasks, but now it makes no sense.

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In fact, HDD read and write speeds have gone down in history on the vast majority of computers. They are only used for a certain game and to save information such as photos or videos.

We hope this information has served you, if you have any questions, please comment below so that we can respond to you.

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