
Disney + is a success in its first three months

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Disney + came to market before the end of the year, having been launching in various markets. In this time, the streaming platform is being a success. Since it has managed to exceed 26.5 million users in it. So it is exceeding many of the expectations that had been placed in it. What is clear is that there is interest.

Disney + is a success in its first three months

Remember that for now it is available in the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand. It was first launched in the Netherlands on a trial basis, before being launched in other markets.

Market success

The firm had become a target as well. A figure that will be exceeded if we see the entry that Disney + has made in the market. In addition, it is expected that this spring it will enter many markets in Europe, including Spain. So it is something that will surely increase the number of subscribers.

Netflix has noticed its arrival on the market, since in the last quarter of the year its subscribers grew less than expected, partly due to the launch of this platform. The firm itself said so, although they do not believe that the effect is such in the long term.

Disney + starts off well on the market, as we can see. In just three months it is a success in terms of users, and the fact that in a couple of months it launches in many new markets only shows the possibilities of increasing in the market.


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