
Dramexchange: memory prices will continue to rise

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Another bad news for SSD and RAM: Memory prices will continue to rise, or according to an analysis by DRAMeXchange.

We are sorry to give you this bad news, but it seems that it is not a strategy for you to buy more, or to encourage you to update your teams at once. DRAMeXchange has published an analysis whose conclusions are not positive. Next, we give you the details.

Memory prices: will rise in the following quarters

Although the epidemic has already slowed in China, it has spread to the United States, Europe and the Middle East. The WHO has stated that it has become a pandemic, posing a risk to the economy. This fact will result in the memory market suffering certain difficulties. So does the DRAMeXchange analysis.

Initially, the first and second quarter increases were expected to be the only ones from the beginning of 2020. However, the outlook is not good because the average prices for DRAM and NAND Flash memory will continue to increase. In other words, the prices of RAM and SSD will rise. However, the most affected products will be laptops, servers and smartphones.

On the other hand, Trend Micro Consulting, assures that the challenge will start in the third quarter. Demand will decrease, the customer's purchasing capacity will decrease and, with less demand, higher prices. This means that the supply will not be as expected, so the price could increase until the end of the year.

The " positive news " is that the price of flash memory could decrease as of summer, since the difference between supply and demand is not so great. If demand remains stable, prices will not increase, but will decrease.

With this, what is always said: if you are thinking of upgrading or buying more RAM, do it now. I know it sounds a bit chaotic, but we already know how this sector works and the "surprises" it gives.

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