Telegram CEO criticizes the security of WhatsApp

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WhatsApp recently revealed a major flaw in the application, which has been rectified for now. Although this failure again makes clear that the app has much to improve. This is also the view of the CEO of Telegram, who has harshly criticized the safety of his competitor in a post on his website. A criticism in which he says that the app owned by Facebook will never be safe.
Telegram CEO criticizes WhatsApp security
Privacy remains a weak point in WhatsApp and other Facebook apps. So the CEO of the firm presents good arguments in this case.
He has not hesitated to compare the security on Telegram with that of WhatsApp. The first is an open source app, which the Facebook app is not. This is why the code becomes more incomprehensible, even for cybersecurity experts. Additionally, it has been hinted that Facebook may have backdoors in the code. In this case, it is based on evidence that the FBI had against Facebook and its companies.
He also comments that Telegram has always been better prepared for security than its main rival. The most complete proof is that there have been no failures or serious failures in this regard in the last six years.
In addition, it also accuses WhatsApp of copying other apps, including yours, even in the smallest details. Declarations with which the war between the two applications is again open. What do you think about what he said?
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