
South Korean government to pass 3.3 million pcs to linux

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A rather interesting decision that the South Korean government has made. Currently they have a large number of computers using Windows 7 as the operating system. Normally, these computers will switch to using Windows 10. Although in their case they have made the decision to switch to Linux as the operating system on these computers.

South Korean government to pass 3.3 million PCs to Linux

It is a way to reduce your dependence on one company only. This is one of the reasons that have been given by the government, given this curious decision they have made.

Less dependence on Microsoft

Currently, South Korean government employees use two computers. One of them is connected to the Internet and the other is not. The aim is to eliminate this problem and to use only a single computer. They will become Linux computers in a large part of them. Some 3.3 million computers will use this new operating system.

The first tests will be carried out in October, according to what has been known. Then it will be checked if everything works as expected or as desired. Although the entire migration process will take a long time.

The migration to Linux is going to take a few years, as we have learned. Since it is not expected to be completed before 2026. This is because it is a process that will be carried out in various phases, in a phased manner, so we will see what happens and if everything goes as the Korean government expects.

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