The nokia 8 sirocco updates to android pie

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Android Pie continues to advance in the market. Nokia is one of the brands that best updates its phones. We have seen how in these weeks the firm has already updated several of its models, although it was surprising that one of its most outstanding phones of the year did not have access to it. Luckily, the update to the Nokia 8 Sirocco finally arrives.
Nokia 8 Sirocco updates to Android Pie
It was very surprising that this phone, which is one of the most important that the brand launched on the market in 2018, had not received the update. Users waited, until now. It has started to launch already.
Android Pie for the Nokia 8 Sirocco
This is the stable Android Pie update for the brand's phone. The weight of it is 1.4 GB as it has been known thanks to the first users who have had access to it. So if you have a Nokia 8 Sirocco it is important to know that you have enough space to be able to access it. The OTA of the same is already being launched, so it is a matter of time.
Although no dates have been given for the arrival of this update to all users with the Nokia 8 Sirocco. But it is something that is already starting, so it will not take too long to launch worldwide.
The number of phones that update to Android Pie continues to grow in this way. We will see when the new distribution data of the operating system is published, which we hope to do months. Because it should already appear in them definitively.
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