
The new amd ryzen 3000 processor is published in userbenchmark


The new Zen 2 is very close, as a new AMD Ryzen 3000 appears surprisingly published on UserBenchmark. AMD already presented us at CES 2019 some details about its new third-generation 7nm AMD Ryzen processors, and now we see performance details of one of them.

The figures in the image show an impressive performance of this processor comfortably beating an Intel Core i9 9900K in multicore mode, although not in the other two sections. We must keep in mind that this score can be very relative, since it is known that this processor has been tested with DDR4 memory at 2666 MHz, and the i9 9900K with 16 GB DDR4 at 3000 MHz. We must also bear in mind that the boost frequency is considerably lower than the 4.9 GHz that has been recorded in the tests of the i9, and the frequency of RAM memory is affected by AMD's performance.

In summary, everything suggests that the performance of this new generation will surpass the marks of the last generation of Intel under 14 nm without too much effort. We talk about an experimental processor and we already see some stratospheric results, so what is to come is going to be even better

If we compare it with the AMD Ryzen 7 2700X the gap opens up even more in multicore mode and in general presents better performance in floating point calculations than the previous generation.

While Intel is struggling to test its 10nm processors on mobile platforms, AMD already has desktop processors with sublime performance in sight. What do you think about this new 12-core processor? Do you think Intel will have any Ace up their sleeve to deal with these 7nm soon? Leave us in the comments what you think about it.

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