
Nand memory price and ssd will continue to plummet

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It looks like a science fiction movie, but it is not, the price of NAND memory and SSDs are now registering their historical lows, and it seems that the drop in prices will continue for a good season, contrary to what is known. thought until now.

SSD prices will continue to plummet until 2020

For several months now the production of NAND memory has exceeded demand, which is excellent news and has caused SSD prices to be registering their historical lows right now, so that we can almost buy a 480 GB drive for the price. we would have paid months ago for a 240GB drive. The demand for SSDs was expected to rise sharply and wipe out oversupply of NAND chips, but it ultimately won't.

The main manufacturers of NAND memory have managed to mature the manufacturing processes and have increased their production capacity, making the supply exceed the demand right now, and it will continue to be so for a good season. Given this situation, SSD prices will continue to drop over the coming months and even years, hoping that by 2020 measures will have to be taken to stop prices from sinking.

A very different situation to that experienced by RAM memory, whose prices do not stop rising and there is nothing to hint that the situation is going to change, at least the drop in SSD prices makes mounting a new PC more cheap than a few months ago. Graphics cards are also expected to drop in price, due to the end of the cryptocurrency boom.

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