
United states officially files criminal charges against huawei

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After weeks with many rumors, in which it was speculated that it could happen, it has finally happened. Since the United States has filed 13 criminal charges against Huawei. Also against Meng Wanzhou, the firm's chief financial officer, who was detained in Canada a couple of months ago. A decision that further deepens the conflict against China, which will undoubtedly escalate further after this.

United States officially files criminal charges against Huawei

The company is accused of various charges, including violation of US sanctions on Iran and theft of trade secrets. Serious charges they face.

Problems for Huawei in America

The directive was officially detained on December 1 in Canada, at the request of the United States. Huawei is accused of having shipped US-origin products to Iran, which are under American sanctions. Although she was released a couple of weeks later, criminal charges are now being brought against her, which can carry a prison sentence.

In addition to these charges, the company is accused of violating the intellectual property law. T-Mobile reportedly denounced the Chinese company in 2014 for stealing information and components. Although it seemed that said dispute between the two companies was resolved in 2017.

This new situation undoubtedly creates problems for Huawei. The company was also experiencing many problems in its work in the development of 5G networks in Europe, where many countries are banning its work. So it remains to be seen how this ends.

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