
Facebook introduces changes to comply with the European privacy standard

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On May 25, the new European GDPR regulation will officially enter into force, which will be in charge of regulating the privacy and treatment of personal data. So companies are going to have to adapt to this standard, which is stricter. One of them is Facebook, still at the center of the controversy. Although the social network is one of the first to introduce changes to adapt to the regulations.

Facebook introduces changes to comply with the European privacy standard

Under this new standard, companies have to explain how user information is collected. Also what they do it for. In addition to leading them to make more controls on privacy.

Facebook adapts to European regulations

The social network has become one of the first to take steps in the direction that the new standard marks. Since they have modified their legal documentation in the terms of service and the privacy policy. In addition, permission will be requested to use facial recognition technology for the first time in Europe. Users will also be notified to review the information shared in their public profile.

In addition to reviewing the ad settings. Since there they will be able to check if the data can be shared with third parties or if information can be collected from Internet browsing. While on advertising, the configuration will be revised to users. Although no changes have been announced in this regard by Facebook, for the moment.

In addition, the social network will request minor users to identify their father, mother or guardian to consent to certain actions. At the moment these are the first changes that come to Facebook, which has to adapt to this European regulation. We will see what more changes are announced.

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