
Facebook will introduce a facial recognition tool

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Facebook seeks to have as much information as possible about users. This is something that is clear to us. They demonstrate it again with the new tool that they are going to introduce shortly, which is facial recognition. Tests are already being made with this function in the social network, as it has already been known. So it would come soon.

Facebook will introduce a facial recognition tool

In this case, the system devised by the social network captures your face through a selfie video. The user is asked to make certain movements to have his face captured well.

More user data

According to Facebook, this measure is to really verify the identity of the users, to avoid false accounts. In addition, said video would be removed after 30 days from the social network, as they have said. Although looking at the history of the social network with the data of the users, many question this, so it will be necessary to see if this is really true.

Many fear that the social network will sell this data with the faces of the users to other companies. A fear that is not entirely unfounded, although the company seeks to avoid these doubts, saying that they will protect user data at all times.

So far no dates have been given for its introduction on Facebook. We know that the social network is already testing this feature, but it is not known when it will be officially launched. So we will be attentive to news from you, because it is something that will undoubtedly generate comments.

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