
Facebook launches its own timehop


Facebook has launched a feature on Tuesday, March 24 similar to Timehop, which encourages users to review messages from previous years and share again with their friends. Called " On this Day " (in Spanish, on this day), the tool that is pure nostalgia was already in testing two years ago, according to Facebook experts. For those who were already a fan of the app for iOS and Android, the new feature is very good.

Whoever accesses the “On this day” page (/ onthisday ), and will be able to see your photos, status and messages from friends on this same day in previous years. According to the social network, only the current account owner has access to this content on their profile, unless you decide to share again with your contacts.

Once on that page, you can also subscribe to notifications to be alerted to this nostalgic content, as well as being able to delete or edit old entries. The resource can be consulted on the website, or the official Facebook application.

"On this day" is not yet available to everyone and Facebook did not report how it is spreading. For now, people who don't yet have access to find the image below:

According to TechCrunch, Facebook will be careful not to display memories that can be potentially painful. For example, if you had the relationship status two years ago, but ended up with this person last year, the photos with her will not be displayed.


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