
Facebook m is now available in Spanish

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Facebook M is the virtual assistant of the social network par excellence that came to facilitate tasks for users, since then it has not stopped improving and now it has learned a new language to help more users around the world.

Facebook M already understands Spanish

For now, the new Facebook M functionality is only available to users who live in Mexico or the United States and have the application configured in Spanish. This assistant is integrated into Facebook conversations and is capable of issuing suggestions such as sending stickers or sharing the location before common phrases such as "Where are you?", "See you later" or "Kisses".

Advantages of Facebook Lite over the original Facebook application

The Facebook assistant was born in late 2016 as a company experiment but little by little it has been improving its functionality thanks to the adoption of artificial intelligence. If you ask a friend to pay you the 10 euros he owes you for a pizza, the assistant will automatically show all the possible payment options available. It can also help you when hiring Uber or Lyft trips for you.

A distinguishing feature of Facebook M is that it only communicates with the user through text, unlike other virtual assistants such as Amazon lexa, Apple's Siri, Google's Google Assistant and Microsoft's Cortana that also offer you the possibility of interacting. by voice.

It is expected that the new functionality will arrive soon in the rest of the Spanish-speaking countries, although for now nothing has been mentioned.

Source: engadget


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