
Facebook will not separate media and users into two different walls

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Facebook had been at the center of the controversy for a while after announcing its plans to create two different news feeds for users and media. In this way, the contents and publications of the contacts had greater importance. A decision that neither the media nor many users liked. It seems that the social network has finally backed down and this will not happen.

Facebook will not separate media and users into two different walls

The social network started an experiment in six countries with this separation of walls in October. In this way a section called Explore was introduced. The idea was to see if the users were happy with this new way of being able to see the publications. Something that did not like much.

Failed experiment for Facebook

It was the person in charge of the Explore section of the social network who commented that many users had complained. In addition, the fact that the publications of friends had a higher priority has not been useful for them to have more contact with them. Also, many users have commented that this separation caused them to find it difficult to access relevant information.

This was one of the main fears of the media that denounced this decision on the social network. In fact, the most important newspaper in Brazil stopped using Facebook as a protest against this measure. But, finally it seems that the plans have been canceled. Since there will be no two different walls.

Facebook has commented that the contents of the contacts will continue to have priority, but without separation of walls. It is an attempt to return to its origins. Additionally, the Explore section will be removed throughout this week.

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