
Facebook plans to unify whatsapp, instagram and messenger

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Facebook is currently working on a new strategy. As a consequence of it, the American firm would be considering unifying Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp on a single platform. This is pointed out by various media in the United States in the past few hours. In this way, a huge number of users would be found on a single platform.

Facebook plans to unify WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger

While the three applications would be unified, they would continue to function as individual services. At least this is the plan that the company has in this regard on the unification of its main apps. A risky move.

Facebook in search of a new strategy

The idea of ​​Facebook with this plan is the creation of a common infrastructure, so that the users of all these platforms will be able to connect with each other and stay in contact, without having to use an account in each of them. So a single account would give access to all three applications directly. In this sense, it can greatly facilitate the use and that users move from one to another.

While this is the firm's plan, it is a complex task. Because they have to unify three services that in principle are different. Although the firm hopes to have this ready this year. Probably before the end of 2019 it would be ready.

It remains to be seen if this Facebook plan is carried out. For the moment , the specific details on the way in which the company is going to carry out this integration have not been revealed. Without a doubt, we hope to meet you, because it is a project of enormous interest. It will come out well?

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