
Facebook is also being investigated by the eu

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This weekend it was revealed that Google was being investigated by the EU. The reason for this was the way in which the firm collects user data, since it seeks to know if it is done according to EU standards. The company is not the only one being investigated. Since Facebook is also being investigated.

Facebook is also being investigated by the EU

The reason is the same in this case, to find out if the way in which the social network collects data from users is in a legal way.

Ongoing research

It is the competition agency of the European Union that is responsible for these investigations to Google and Facebook, as has already been revealed. The use and monetization of the data of its users is something that worries within the EU, which seeks to have more data about the way in which this happens, so that it is known if it is done according to the rules.

So it is something that will surely take a few months. But, if it is determined that it is done against EU rules, we can expect that the two companies will receive fines, which will surely be millions.

Both Google and Facebook have received notorious fines in recent months, some in Europe and others in the United States. What is clear is that the two companies no longer have their way in all cases, so there may be changes in the way they collect data, if this ends with new fines.

Via Reuters


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