Facebook will let you decide who can read your comments

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The quintessential social network continues to work on numerous changes. One of the most interesting changes that will come to Facebook soon is that it will be the users who decide who reads their comments. In this way you can prevent those people who do not want to be read to you. A function that is already in development and that will arrive at some point in the social network.
Facebook will let you decide who can read your comments
Social media has become one of the trolls' favorite meeting points. Or from discussions that go far enough than normal. So Facebook seems to want to take action on the matter. To avoid that these types of users have so much space to roam freely. Also to increase the privacy of users.
Facebook changes privacy
What the social network would be doing today is experimenting with privacy settings that are tailored to individual comments. This means that when you post a comment in a thread, only those users you have previously approved will be able to read the comments.
To make this function much more useful and user-friendly, an icon is added next to the space where comments are written. There would be a total of four options to choose from: friends and the thread owner, friends, the thread owner and the one who commented, and everyone else. As expected, this feature on Facebook is in the testing phase and only a few users enjoy them.
At the moment we will have to wait for it to reach all Facebook users. It is not known when this will happen, but it is certainly a function that promises to give a lot to talk about.
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