
Share files offline between devices on different platforms

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Can you imagine sharing files offline between devices on different platforms ? This a priori can be very comfortable, but the best thing is that it is totally possible as we are going to tell you today. Let's talk about a tool that allows you to do just this: share files offline between devices on different platforms. This is really comfortable, and in case you didn't know it existed, you are going to be able to try it now.

Share files offline between devices on different platforms

This tool is none other than FEEM. We are dealing with powerful free software (which comes with a paid version if you need more). But it allows you to exchange information with PCs from different platforms without anyone accessing it. The developers themselves emphasize that it is completely safe.

But how can I use FEEM to share files?

If you want to start using this tool, the first thing is to download the FEEM version compatible with each of the devices and open it in both. The second is to connect both devices (through the same Wi-Fi). In the case of not having Wi-Fi, you will have to activate Wi-Fi Direct to create an access point and that the second device can connect to it first, because if there is no link you cannot share files between them.

But as we say, you don't need the Internet at all. That is, you do not need an Internet connection to transfer the files, but you do need that the devices are connected to each other, and that they are on the same Wi-Fi is already something. So once you have successfully synchronized, you can share or exchange files between them regardless of the operating system, because in each one you will have a specific version.

So if you want to try a new way to share files, we recommend that you download FEEM. As we mentioned before, it is completely free, although there is a paid version. But for domestic use the free one is enough.

Have you already tried it? How about?

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