
Fuchsia already has a developer website

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Fuchsia is the operating system that Google has been developing for a few years. It is a project that takes place in the greatest secrecy, of which we hardly know any details. This system would be used in all kinds of devices, such as telephones and computers. Although so far nothing is known about its launch. Although a website for developers has already been opened.

Fuchsia already has a developer website

It is a website that Google itself has created and opened. An information website for developers, so that they know everything about this operating system.

Official Web site

It is a purely informative website, so that developers know more about Fuchsia OS, the way it works and the information that is important to know. Especially in the event that you intend to create an application for this operating system. Something that would be possible, thanks to this information. So many see it as a clear step for launch.

Google continues without saying anything about it. The company takes its time with this operating system. They have made it clear in many cases that there is no rush to launch. Although these months are leaving us with a lot of activity, which is also public.

A website of interest to developers. For the rest it does not provide any new or useful information about Fuchsia. But at least we can see that there is some movement by Google in this regard. So we expect more news soon about it.

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