
Genui takes control of cherry, main manufacturer of mechanical switches

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GENUI is a German private investment company that has announced the acquisition of the Cherry Group, which belonged to ZF Friedrichshafen AG and is characterized by being the world's leading manufacturer of switches for mechanical keyboards, such is its reputation that the best keyboards in the The market uses almost all of Cherry's popular switches.

GENUI takes control of the Cherry Group ensuring its future

With this maneuver GENUI has made a great business as gaming products are becoming more and more fashionable and mechanical keyboards are tremendously popular among all PC gamers and users who spend the day working in front of a keyboard. The demand for mechanical gaming keyboards is expected to be increasing, so the volume of sales and profits will be very important for GENUI.

This ensures that Cherry has an owner who offers the company and all its employees a future with very good prospects. The Cherry Group had a sales volume of about 80 million euros in 2015 and has 380 workers worldwide, 280 of them at the company's headquarters. in Auerbach.

Source: techpowerup


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