Gigabyte reportedly worsens quality on some reviews of its motherboards

The prestigious manufacturer Gigabyte usually makes revisions of its motherboards keeping the original name of the product and adding to it an identification in the product description on its website, for example Rev. 2.0 or Rev. 3.0. However, when bringing the product to the market , the exact same name, images and specifications are kept in the original product box, so the seller and the buyer cannot know the exact version of the motherboard until they take it out of the box to observe it; details the website
Obviously this entails a series of drawbacks since the potential buyer observes in the product box some images and specifications that correspond to the first revision of the product and may not correspond to what is going to be purchased, since Gigabyte uses the information corresponding to the first revision of the product.
The problem appears when a review is made of a motherboard that worsens the characteristics compared to its predecessor, this is just what a user of Hardware.Info has found after buying a Gigabyte B85M-HD3 and realizing that its specifications do not match with what the box says, the model purchased being much lower.
The image above shows the differences between the two revisions of the Gigabyte B85M-HD3 motherboard. The easiest difference to notice is that the user purchased revision 2.0 has a worse VRM with only 3 phases of power compared to the 4 phases of the original model. In addition, the number of MOSFETs per phase has been reduced from 3 in the original model to 2 in the review purchased by the user, as if that were not enough, the quality of these has also been reduced since in the original review they are capable of deliver 69A versus 52A that can be delivered by the new revision.
This reduction in quality in the VRM leads to a loss of performance in addition to worsening product quality, compromising the integrity of the motherboard itself. Here we leave the explanation given in the original source duly translated:
We leave you new images of both reviews of the motherboard so that you can better appreciate the differences between them:
The news comes from the source: I and II. For now in Professional Review we have not seen first-hand the plates mentioned in their new reviews, but you have to walk the parrot.
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