Google assistant will be able to remember where you have set aside for you

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Google Assistant continues to gain presence in our lives, gaining new features. A situation that surely has happened to all of us is having parked somewhere, but then not knowing exactly where. Especially in a city you don't know. So the wizard will become a good help from now on, with its new function. Since it will take care of remembering where we have parked.
Google Assistant will be able to remember where you have set aside for you
Location history is used for this. Thus, the user will not have to use Google Maps manually as before, but the wizard is in charge of remembering it.
First tests
The first tests with this function have already begun in the United States. At the moment we don't know how long these tests will take. So at the moment it is impossible to know when we can use this function in Google Assistant. At least we know that it is something in progress and that it is already in the testing phase. So it may even be released this year.
For many users it would be a very comfortable function, so that they know where their car is parked at all times. Thus, they are not going to have to worry about anything, or waste time searching without knowing their location very well.
Surely, as the function is ready or will be deployed, we will know more about it. But for many it will be a good function, which helps make Google Assistant a little more complete in this way. He continues with his process of crowning himself as the best assistant on the market.
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