Google assistant sneaks into siri shortcuts

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Recently, Google has updated its digital assistant for iOS, giving it support for Siri Shortcuts. In this way, users will be able to invoke Google's virtual assistant using Apple's own virtual assistant, and all without even having to open the application.
Google Assistant approaches iOS users
Google Assistant will never have the level of integration that Siri enjoys in iOS, or at least that's what makes us intuit the logic. However, the arrival of Siri Shortcuts or “Shortcuts” has allowed the competition company to find, precisely, a shortcut that makes it easier for iPhone and iPad users to use.
Since the middle of last week, iOS users have been able to invoke the Google Assistant through Siri using the Shortcuts. Once the Google Assistant update has been installed on the device, users of the same will find an “Add to Siri” button that allows them to record a phrase of their choice to be used after saying the command “Hey, Siri ”that invokes the homonymous assistant. In this way, while the iOS device is unlocked, users will be able to access Google Assistant by combining the two commands, for example, “Hey, Siri. OK, Google."
Siri's shortcuts feature also supports additional phrases that users often use with the Google Assistant. As Chris Welch notes in The Verge , this opens up a multitude of possibilities for creating custom voice commands that can be used with Google from Siri, including smart home routines.
It is not the first time that a similar situation has occurred. Last year, iAmazon and Microsoft announced a collaboration that allowed iOS users to access Alexa through the Cortana application with a voice command "Hey Cortana, open Alexa".
However, in the latter case, iOS users still cannot say "Hey Cortana, open Alexa" from the main screen, or when the device is locked, since Apple only allows the operation of third-party virtual assistants within your applications.
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