
Google chrome 64 will add parallel downloads

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Google Chrome is a browser that is constantly evolving. So news frequently comes to it. Now the company is already working on Chrome 64. One of the novelties that will come to the browser in this version has already been revealed. These are parallel downloads, with which it is promised to achieve more speed.

Google Chrome 64 will add parallel downloads

It is a technique that is used in each download of more than two seconds. In this way, the data entry flow in the system will be optimized. Google Chrome will be able to create up to three parallel downloads of a file so that the transfer rate improves. This will be something that all Chrome 64 users will be able to enjoy.

Parallel downloads come to Chrome 64

The beta version of the browser already has this function, at least in the most recent beta. We should go to chrome: // flags, writing that in the address bar. Here we are going to be able to find a series of experimental functions of Google Chrome. Among them the parallel downloads (Chrome Parallel Download). Thanks to it, any download that takes more than two seconds will increase speed automatically.

For the user there would be no changes. You will simply see that the file in question downloads faster. Without a doubt a function that can be extremely useful if heavy files are downloaded from the browser. Since it will increase your speed noticeably.

Although our Internet connection will also largely determine this speed. At the moment it is not known when this function will officially arrive. We will have to wait for more details about Google Chrome 64 and its release date to be known.


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