Google discover will introduce more ads at the end of the year

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Google Discover is present on Android phones. It is used as a way to access news that is of interest to the user, on various topics. The company has changed quite a bit this interface and the way the news is displayed. Now, a new change is expected, although not all users will be satisfied with it. Since announcements are introduced.
Google Discover will introduce more ads
The company's idea is to introduce advertisements with more information about those products that users are interested in buying. This is what they have said in some statements.
Bet on ads
Its introduction will take place later this year, as has already been confirmed. These adverts will be used by global advertisers on Google Discover. Although so far there have been no names of companies that will have a presence in them. Two other types of ads will also be introduced, revealed by the company itself.
One of these types will be the so-called Gallery ads, which will show eight-by-eight ads, among which we can swipe to see products that interest us. They will also be introduced in the app for the end of the year.
We will see how these ads are introduced in Google Discover, since in principle it can be somewhat invasive, which does not favor too much use on Android. It has only been said that they will arrive at the end of the year, but we do not have any specific date or information about their arrival.
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