
Google is sued for collecting data from 4.4 million iphone users

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Problems for Google. The company has been sued in the United Kingdom for having tracked and collected the personal information of 4.4 million users with an iPhone. All this without users knowing it. A class action lawsuit has been filed with the company. With it you want them to pay some 3, 650 million euros in fines.

Google is sued for collecting data from 4.4 million iPhone users

These data would have been collected between 2011 and 2012. It would have been possible because Google ignored the privacy settings of Safari on iPhone phones. The idea was to divide people into categories for advertisers.

Legal problems for Google

The company divided users into all kinds of categories (race, health, political inclination…). So they had a lot of information about the people who had an iPhone at this time. Furthermore, it appears that these actions were discovered as early as 2012 and the company was informed. Google has already paid in the United States for these types of claims. So they are practices that have already been carried out previously.

Google has tried to defend itself by commenting that it is impossible to know who the affected users are. Therefore, they comment that this demand does not make any sense. Furthermore, there is no indication that the information was shared with third parties.

It will be interesting to see what happens, because it would be a new setback for Google in Europe, where it has been having legal problems for some time. So it will be necessary to see if this demand continues or if an agreement is reached before the situation progresses. Although according to the company, these matters have already been addressed in its day and there is nothing else to do.

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