Google expeditions the educational app

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Expeditions, the new Google, will allow teachers to take their classes to another level immersing students on a journey to virtual reality. Imagine visiting museums in other countries, traveling to the depths of the sea, or exploring the surface of Mars in a single afternoon.
Google launches Expeditions
Google has announced the Expeditions Pioneer Program, a Virtual Tour designed to help explore sites of interest from the classroom and which is currently in the private beta phase and exclusively for Android. The app consists of a series of 360-degree images and videos that thanks to the teacher, who will guide you through the different lessons.
It will include over 100 expeditions prepared for the pilot program that will cover different topics, he has also said that they will include tours of various museums such as the American Museum of Natural History and a trip through space thanks to the Planetary Society. In addition David Attenborough, one of the best-known Naturalistic scientists on television, will contribute by creating content for the program.
Expedition s will be controlled through an Android application from a tablet. Students will interact with the program using the Google Cardboard and a sound system that will further immerse them in the experience. It will also include a router that will provide Wi-Fi for schools that do not have their own connection.
The system, announced last year in mid-2015, has already been tested by more than 500, 000 students. Schools interested in participating must register from this Google document progressively. At the moment, the educational system will visit only a few schools selected by the United States, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Canada, Singapore and Denmark. Each of the schools will have a complete kit with everything teachers may need to take their students on a trip to any part of the world.
Google Pioner Program
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