Google hire will close in 2020 definitively

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Google Hire is a company service designed to find work. A kind of LinkedIn of the American firm, but it has never taken off on the market. Probably many of you do not even sound this platform. Well, due to these bad results, its end is near, because it has been announced that it will be closed in 2020 permanently.
Google Hiere will close in 2020 permanently
To be specific, it will be September 1 when he says goodbye to the market. One more failure for Google in this regard, which throws in the towel with its platform.
Final farewell
Google Hire will continue to operate until this date, as they have commented from the company itself. So those who use this platform will be able to continue with their normal activity until August 31. Since on September 1, 2020 it will be closed. The company hasn't said much, other than mentioning they want to focus their efforts on other areas.
No real reason has been given why it closes, although it is clear that the little success it has had in the market is what has weighed the most on the company. It thus adds to other recent closings such as Allo, Trips or Google+.
A risky bet on the part of the firm, with its intention to compete with LinkedIn using Google Hire. But it is seen that the results have not been up to the task, which is why this platform says goodbye to the market definitively. What do you think about the closure of this signature service?
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Google Hire is a service that allows companies to publish job offers, as well as facilitate contact between companies and potential workers.
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