
Google maps allows you to report traffic jams manually

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New features have come to Google Maps these weeks. Although the popular navigation app continues to work on changes. A new feature is already being tested in the United States. This is the possibility of reporting jams live, manually in the app. So other people may know this and thus take other routes at that time.

Google Maps allows you to report traffic jams manually

A change that is complemented by other functions that the app introduced weeks ago. Because reports of radars or accidents were introduced. Features that we know in part from Waze.

New feature in Maps

For now, a small group of users in the United States have access to this new function in the application. It is a good way to always be up to date on possible problems on the road. So it will be useful for millions of users. Although for now, it is a series of tests, we do not know how long they will last.

Although it is expected that it will be introduced in the coming months in the application. It arrives after the functions of reporting radars or accidents have been introduced in it. These options take a few weeks.

We will be attentive to the launch of it on Google Maps. Since it may be released in Europe in a few weeks too. Either officially or in tests in the app. But surely many users see it with good eyes.

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