
Google will link japan, guam and australia with a submarine cable

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Google is a company known for participating in all kinds of projects. The company has now announced its latest adventure. They are going to build a submarine cable that will connect Japan, Guam and Australia. A project of great ambition because it is a distance of about 9.5000 kilometers. So Google is betting on a job of great magnitude. The company itself has officially announced it on its blog.

Google will link Japan, Guam and Australia with a submarine cable

The system will have two pairs of fiber cables that will go from Japan to Guam and two other pairs that will be in charge of connecting Guam with Sydney, the most populous city in Australia.

Google will build a submarine cable

Each of these cables contains fiber cables made of very high quality glass. Thanks to them, 100 terabits of traffic can be transported. According to the company, this equates to 63, 000 photos per second or about 650, 000 high-resolution video streams simultaneously. This submarine cable seeks to expand the global network of the company.

With this network they hope to offer a faster and better quality internet between Australia and Southeast Asia. So in this way they will be able to give better connectivity to customers who use their Google Cloud Platform (GCP) service.

Google says that one of the reasons for carrying out this project is that it is more profitable for them to build their own cables than to rent those from other companies. This project is part of a global one for which the company already has 300 cables worldwide. A figure that will be expanded this year with new areas such as the Netherlands, Denmark or Hong Kong.

Via 9To5 Google


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