Graphics Cards

Gtx 980 ti, gtx 980 and gtx 970 officially drop in price

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With the recent launch of the new GTX 1080 / GTX 1070 graphics cards at the end of last month, the price cards of the GTX 9xx series (GTX 980 Ti, etc.) could not wait long, especially now that the big bet is coming. AMD with the RX 480.

Nvidia cuts the GTX 980 Ti for $ 125

In the last 24 hours the prices of graphics cards GTX 980 Ti, GTX 980 (normal) and GTX 970 in the United States have dropped an average of 20% in cost, being the GTX 980 Ti the one that has fallen the most in value, about $ 125.

  • GeForce GTX 980 Ti: $ 125 GeForce GTX 980: $ 75 GeForce GTX 970: $ 25

Thus, the GTX 970 will now have an official value of $ 299, the GTX 980 will stay at $ 475 and the GTX 980 Ti at $ 524. Even so, it seems that the prices would be lower than those that Nvidia has as a reference, according to the source, it is already possible to get a GTX 980 for about 430 euros.

GTX 980 Ti price trends

Pricing shortly after the launch of a new line of graphics cards is quite common to get rid of inventory more quickly and make way for the new generation. On the other hand, even with these prices, if the AMD RX 480 is really as good as its first benchmarks say (it will cost 200 euros), buying a GTX 970 at that price would not make any sense and even the GTX 980, so AMD could do a lot of damage with its new graphics, at least until Nvidia releases the GTX 1060 that should rival it.

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The cut has already been applied in some stores and countries, and in the coming days it will reach more custom models and stores. What do you think? What is your opinion?

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