Graphics Cards

Gtx 980ti drowns in total war: warhammer directx 12

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We know that DirectX 12 does not sit well with Nvidia, at least for its graphics cards based on the Maxwell architecture that lacks the capacity for asynchronous hardware computing, a new proof of this is given by Total War: Warhammer that sees how the GeForce GTX 980Ti drowns when working with DirectX 12.

Total War: Warhammer brings out Nvidia's problems with DirectX 12

DSO Games has made a simple test that consists of running the game in both DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 to compare the performance obtained by using the two Microsoft APIs. Under DirectX 11 the GeForce GTX 980Ti offers an excellent performance of 96.1 FPS, however, when running the game under DirectX 12 the performance drops to 70.7 FPS evidencing the problems that Maxwell has to work with the new Microsoft API.

It would be interesting to repeat the test using a GeForce GTX 1070 or GTX 1080 to see if Pascal is really friendlier to asynchronous shaders or if he still has the same problems as Maxwell. If the second case occurs, AMD could have a great advantage over its rival in the event that DirectX 12 soon becomes the new standard in video games, something that unfortunately does not seem to be happening in the short term.

Source: dvhardware

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