
Pokemon go guide for newbies, tips and tricks

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Today we bring you the best Pokémon Go guide, and that is that this is the game that is currently causing a furor in all ages, in such a way that it has come to attract attention in different parts of the world.

If you still do not know how to hunt these creatures and go through levels, it is time to expand your knowledge, just let yourself be carried away by adventure.

Pokemon Go guide for beginners

We can start this adventure from our mobiles just get ready to catch those strange creatures in the streets, stay active and start to stand out in this exciting game with the help that we will provide you through this guide, where you will get information to be the best Pokémon trainer.

Start playing Pokémon Go

When you start playing you will meet Professor Willow who will inform you about the operation of the application, the main thing is to create your Pokémon trainer. The customization options, from the game Pok é mon Go, are quite simple and very easy to execute, you only have to choose the sex of your Pokémon and change the color of the clothes as well as the color of the hair, the rest will be to recharge your motors to start this journey.

Setting options

After having installed the game of the moment on your favorite mobile, whether it is an Android or an iPhone, create your own avatar and configure the options so that you can catch all the Pokémones you get, so that you do it in a comfortable way you We recommend that you configure the way to activate and deactivate the music, as well as the sound effects so that when you make your tour of the street you do not have any interruption when catching your pokémon.

You must configure it as follows, click on the PokéBall on the map screen, then select the options button located in the upper right corner to configure each parameter to your liking. In addition, you can use the battery saving mode so that you can save energy on your Smartphone while playing Pok émon Go, the saving mode will allow the screen to turn off when you lower your mobile, which will allow the battery consumption to be more low.

Before starting the adventure in this incredible game, we recommend reading Pokemon GO battery saving on Android and iPhone

Catch a pok

After setting up, it's time for entertainment and adventure that begins with the catch of those rare Pokémon Go creatures . At first things will be easier because the first Pokémon will always appear very close to you, but if you want to catch more you will have to move, you will also notice that the next Pokémon will be shown on the map next to the avatar of your trainer and will move in the same direction in which you move, in the same way you can see the silhouettes of the Pokémones that are at a short distance using the box located in the lower right corner of the screen.

In this way, when you see three footprints appear you will be able to see that they are close, but if, on the contrary, you move away from them, the number of footprints will disappear from the radar, at the same time that a Pokémon appears, the mobile will vibrate to notify you.

One of the things you should take into account is that the Pokemon Go application takes location data through the use of GPS on your mobile, so if you use it indoors you could have a lot of complications for the appearance of these specimens.

When having a Pokémon located next to the trainer, press on it so that you can catch it then point the camera of your Smartphone so that you can visualize it in augmented reality. Once you are on the screen, it will be necessary to launch the PokéBall that is seen in the lower central part.

Launching in Pokémon Go is very easy, because you only have to press on the PokéBall and slide it towards the Pokémon to launch it, then release the PokéBall when a green circle appears on the Pokémon this way you have more possibilities of hunting it. Remember that Poké Balls are in limited quantities, try to have enough reserve in case another Pokémon appears and so you have to catch it. For you to provide yourself with a sufficient amount, it is necessary that you visit the Poképaradas, which are located in monuments and prominent places in the city, these are identified on the map with a blue symbol so it is not difficult to get to them and know the distance in which the closest one is.

Now, if you want to stand out earning more points, place yourself on the ball and move it in circles by pressing on it, at that moment some stars will begin to appear around them, throw the ball but this time do it with the curved launch, practice this technique and you You will become an expert making this launch and you will be able to catch these creatures.

To increase the combat points in Pokémon Go and manage to evolve the creatures, you can do it with a specific candy, which you will get by clicking on transfer and you will send Professor Willow the repeated creatures obtaining a candy in exchange.

Capturing Pikachu

The Pikachu is one of the most desired Pokémon Go, you can capture it as you progress through the game because the capture option will appear for any of the three initial Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle Pokémon, you must ignore them and continue walking with the Active application, turning several times and the Pikachu will appear, the moment you will take advantage of to catch it.

Check the details of your Pokémon Go

Every time you catch a Pokémon it will be registered in the Pokédex that contains a list with all the Pokémon that you will find. From there you will see that each one has an assigned number that will give you information about their characteristics such as weight, height, standard of living and their statistics as combat points. If you want to improve their level, you can do it by giving them star powders and candies, but it may be convenient to save them until you have reached level 12.

In the same way if you have seen it, but you have not managed to capture it, it will only show its silhouette and the rest of the Pokémones you will not know what they are nor will you have any type of information about them. On the other hand, if you are interested in knowing about the creatures you have caught you can do it with the Pokémon section of the menu there you can consult all the details.

Next, you will see that the PCs determine the ability to do damage when you confront your opponent, the HP, Health Points, are the points of life it has. Therefore on the figures a bar will be presented that will be filled in such a way as PC gains, once the bar has been filled the Pokémon will be at the limit of its power. If it is the case that your Pokémon has few PCs and the bar is almost full, we suggest that you do not waste your stardust trying to make it more powerful.

Get more items in the Poképaradas

The PokéStops in Pokémon Go are those meetings of great importance, since they will help you to advance in a hurried way in your career. Generally, when we talk about the Poképaradas we refer to the meeting points located in large cities and on other occasions they can be not so big, these are highlighted with the sign of a PokéBall. The stops are characterized by their blue color when they are full of objects, but when they empty they usually have a color between lilac and violet. It should be noted that for the Poké stops to be replenished you must wait approximately five to ten minutes, but in the meantime you can go to the closest Poké stop.

On the other hand, with the Poképaradas you can find various objects that will be useful both for the capture of Pokémon and for the fights. In these stops you can resurrect and locate potions for your Pokemon, they are also necessary if you want to find Pokémon eggs (these are totally free).

If you want to find the objects in the Poképaradas first you must give the central PokéBall so that the menu appears in which the option of objects will appear. There are various elements to reach the Pokémon, among them are:

  1. The incense: this is used to bring the creatures closer to your position, as well as you can do it using the Bait Module where there are numerous Pokémon. The balls. The incubator to store the eggs every time you find them. The camera with which you can catch those ferocious pokémon.

PokéStops are essential when playing Pokémon Go, as as we said earlier, that's where the objects are located. The Poképaradas are real places, that to be able to explore each one of them you must be personally, and for the objects to appear just by turning the photodisc it will come out.

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In addition to this, you can put modules in the locations. These items are generally available in the Store. By placing these elements close, you will have the facility to quickly capture. Also, there are other alternatives to catch more Pokémones, if you move towards the center of the city you can achieve the goal, many of the trainers apply this strategy, that is, they place their modules in that place. It may be that you capture several without having to move to another place.

Gyms and fighting

In order for you to rank among the best Pokémon trainers it is imperative that your creatures battle against other Pokémon Go opponents . You will have to go to the gyms that are marked on the map with their own symbol. If you want to reach them, you must reach at least level 5 so that you can face the rival gym.

There will also be empty gyms that you can access, assigning a Pokémon and of course you can help your friends in their gyms if we add one of our Pokémon to join the defense against possible attacks from other users. The gym aims to train these strange creatures and be able to increase their level in the exciting game of Pokémon Go.

Also, if you find your opponent's gym, you can face him to reduce his level. At the moment you are going to fight, drag your finger to the right and then to the left side to get around the attacks. Concentrate so you can hit yours.

Finally, to start with the first attack, you will have to press repeatedly on your opponent. After your bar loads, keep pressing to go in search of the second attack.

Find your Premium items with Pokémon Go

In the Pokémon Go application you can make micro transactions, through them we can get certain amounts of PokéBalls as well as objects just by paying with real money in the in-game store. For this you can have access to the store through the main menu of Pokémon Go to buy the Pokémon and buy any product.

When a member of your team defends a gym they will get 10 coins. Although the amount is not much, try to place yours in gyms well defended by the members of your team.

Premium objects will facilitate the capture and help you evolve your Pokémon, these products can be obtained in your store. You will also find eggs that contain many surprises in addition to your Pokémon. You can get the conventional eggs or why not the lucky eggs that will double the experience you have already obtained in 30 minutes?

Another option to obtain items is through the Poké stops where you will get the items completely free. Another particular way of acquiring them is increasing level where you will be given a gift by the game. Such gifts could be:

  • Level 5: Positions, revive and incense Level 8: a module Level 9: lucky egg Level 12: Superballs Level 20: Ultraballs

Gaining experience in Pokémon Go

If you need a complete guide to raise your level and your experience points, then we recommend reading the best Pokemon Go tricks: level up and experience points

When you want to advance in the Pokémon Go adventure you will need your Pj to increase his level and your Pokémones earn combat points that you can only achieve by capturing more, because with each capture you gain experience points. The number of points you can get will be according to the actions you manage to perform.

If you catch one of these creatures for the first time, you gain 500 experience points instantly. If you make a curved PokéBall launch, a bonus will be assigned for a good launch, the other way is to evolve Pokémon or fight in the gyms.

In Pokémon Go you will gain experience using the lucky eggs that you will get when you reach level 9, when you activate it you will gain a bonus x 2 in experience points for half an hour. Also if you want to earn more you will have to keep catching new creatures that can give you up to 600 XP.

In the following way you can take advantage of a lucky egg along with incense and modules. Place a module in the Poképarada the moment they approach you, capture a new one and you can earn 1000 XP or, failing that, 200 XP.


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