
Huawei denounces the United States government

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The conflict between Huawei and the United States has no intention of ending soon. Now, it is the company that takes a step forward in this process. Because they announce that they denounce the American government. The reason is that this government prevents the sale of its equipment and services. A way in which they seek to end this blockade, which they consider unconstitutional.

Huawei denounces the United States government

This is a very clear action by the Chinese brand. In addition, it forces the American government to present evidence that supports the restrictions that have been imposed on the company.

Huawei vs. United States

In addition, Huawei also argues that this blockade by the United States also affects consumers. Because it is delaying the deployment of 5G in the country and in other markets, due to the problems that the company is encountering in this process. The American government is accused of having no evidence of such espionage charges.

Without a doubt, it is a process that can have great importance for the brand. It arrives just when they have opened a center in Brussels where you can check the transparency of your teams. One more step on the part of the company to demonstrate that the accusations are false.

At the moment we do not know how this case will evolve. Huawei stands firm in its statements and denies any allegations of espionage. This complaint is a serious step, which we will see when it supposes that some judicial process begins. Do you think the Chinese brand is right in this case?

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