Huawei to launch phones with harmonyos in 2020

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HarmonyOS is the operating system that Huawei introduced in August of this year. An operating system that can be used on all types of devices, although it is initially launched for Internet of Things devices. The current situation, in which the brand continues to suffer the blockade of the United States, forces them to go thinking about alternatives.
Huawei to launch phones with HarmonyOS in 2020
Therefore, in 2020 we can expect the Chinese brand to launch the first phones that make use of their own operating system. It has already been confirmed, although so far little data has been given.
Bet on your own system
Seeing that the lock isn't going to end anytime soon, Huawei decides to get started on adapting HarmonyOS for use on their phones next year. Months ago the brand commented that the system was not yet ready to be used on its smartphones. Given the lack of progress in the situation with the United States, which prevents them from using Android on their phones, they are looking for new options.
Your operating system is therefore presented as an ideal option. There are expected to be several models using it in 2020. Although until now we do not know how many or when these phones will be launched in stores.
The company also has not said anything about whether or not these devices will be launched internationally. Many doubts about these Huawei plans to use HarmonyOS. Although it is too early to know everything, so it is sure that with the passing of the weeks a little more clarity will come to this matter.
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