
Huawei has more than 100 million mobile phones sold in 2017

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Huawei is a brand that has managed to gain a foothold in the market by launching the most interesting phones. The Chinese brand is currently one of the best sellers in our country, and it is also successful worldwide. Huawei has now revealed its sales figures so far this year and these figures do not disappoint at all.

Huawei has more than 100 million mobile phones sold in 2017

The brand continues to break records so far this year. Between January and September 2017, more than 100 million Huawei smartphones have been sold worldwide. A historical record for the company and which easily exceeds the 2016 figures.

Huawei breaks records in 2017

Compared to the same period in 2016, it represents an increase of 19%. In addition, Christmas is approaching and also Black Friday, two events in which sales increase significantly. So the figures with which the Chinese brand closes the year can be spectacular. Everything indicates that the 140 million mobiles sold in 2016 will be exceeded this year.

But Huawei does not rest on its laurels, the firm continues to make huge investments in research and development, a department that employs around 10, 000 people worldwide. With these investments they seek to win clients in the medium and high range. With special attention to the high range.

In this way, Huawei is already the second best-selling brand worldwide. Apple has been ousted from that position. Only Samsung remains ahead, unshaken from the first position. Will the Chinese brand succeed in unseating Samsung on any occasion? That is the goal worldwide.


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