
Ibm could launch a folding smartwatch to the market

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The smart watch market is looking for new ways to revolutionize the market. Therefore, we work on all kinds of new designs. A brand that is also currently working on its own smartwatch is IBM, to the surprise of many users. The company has patented a model at least curious, which could be a great revolution in this market.

IBM could launch a folding smartwatch

Since the firm works on a folding smartwatch, the concept of which you can see in the photo below. A revolutionary design in this segment, designed to give more options.

Smartwatch in development

This watch that IBM is currently developing would have a compact design that could be turned into a kind of tablet. Although there would be several positions, so it would have three sizes, allowing the user to choose the size they want in their case, for better use. So it doubles as three devices in one.

Since we would have a watch, a mobile phone and a tablet on our wrist at the same time. Although at the moment it seems more a concept than something that really reaches the market. Although the company works in it, in an initial state.

Therefore, we will have to wait long for this original IBM smartwatch to end up arriving in stores officially. Therefore, we will be attentive to more news about it. Since it is a concept that promises to be especially interesting and revolutionary in the market.

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