
Instagram begins to hide likes in posts

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A few months ago its intention to do so was announced, but the firm finally carried it out. Instagram begins to hide the likes in the posts. The popular social network seeks to change the way in which its platform is used, so that likes in publications are secondary and not everything works so that the most likes are obtained.

Instagram begins to hide likes in posts

The company is already launching this feature in some countries. Until now it has been seen in Italy, Brazil or Australia. But it is expected that it will be expanded in others soon.

Goodbye to likes

At the moment it is something in the testing phase, which also only a few users can test. The idea is that Instagram hides this amount of likes from users. So if you like a photo, it is because it is of interest and not because it has many or few likes. A commitment to content by the company, or so they have announced.

Only the person who has uploaded this publication can see that amount of likes on it. So if it is a business profile, this data will always be available, to control the acceptance of said posts in it.

This feature is expected to be expanded on Instagram in the coming weeks. The testing phase has already started, so it is a matter of time before it reaches all users. A change that not everyone is happy with, but that seems to be here to stay.

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